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Please select the appropriate session you would like to pay for. This will direct you to a secure paypal checkout where you can complete your payment with a PayPal account or credit card. **Please note you will not recieve a confirmation from the club only paypal.

High School FALL Folkstyle Session

Tue & Thu -
6to730pm  100lb-150lb
730to9pm 155lb-HWT

Sunday - 930am to11am


Girls Sunday only Session

Sunday - 9:30am to 11am

12 weeks all Sundays not recurring


Youth Session - 2 Wrestler

- 2 Wrestlers (Family)
- Tue & Thu


Youth Session - 1 Wrestler
**Monthly recurring

- 1 Wrestler 
- Tue & Thu


Youth Winter Session 

Tue & THU  6-7pm 1st to4th                      7-830pm 5th to 8th 



High School Session -
Sunday Wake Up Workout
1 Wrestler

- 1 Wrestler
- High School Student Athlete  Sunday only Workout  


High School Session - 1 Wrestler
***Monthly recurring

- 1 Wrestler
- High School Session
**Monthly recurring


Girls Freestyle
**Monthly recurring 

- Sun 8:30-9:30am
- 6th to 12th grade


Youth Session 1 night a week

1 Youth wrestler  1night a week


High School Fall Session - 2 Wrestler

- 2 Wrestlers (Family) 


High School ALL Sessions

**Spring & Summer Only**
Mon & Wed Freestyle
730to9pm All Weights
Tue & Thu - Folkstyle
6to730pm  100lb-150lb
730to9pm 155lb-HWT

Sunday - 930am to11am


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